My Pet Is a Holy Maiden

Chapter 105

In the city of Toga’s governor’s mansion,

In that one room, in the early morning Deagan had greeted one specific visitor .

That visitor was someone Deagan knew very well, and someone he had met in the past . Though, at the time, it was not a one-to-one occasion, and he was with others .

There’s no need to even say it, the visitor was Garudo and one of his followers .

As Garudo had indicated, he had left Lagine Village, and when they were travelling in the middle of the highway, it had gotten dark, and in order to camp, he had arrived at the city of Toga, and it had become this hour .

Morgan, using his 〈Flame〉class magic to his advantage, Joruto and his companions had chased past them in the middle of the road .

Quietly listening to the follower’s story, Deagan was quiet and listened with a sour face .

The followers, while inwardly trembling at Deagan’s apparently displeased expression, told him what Garudo had told them to say .

「What do you think? If you lend us your assistance, Garudo can present you with a female slave as thanks...」

「A female slave?... . . 」

At that time, Deaga finally opened his mouth .

His followers thought it was because he showed an interest in female slaves, so they continued to say more .

「Yes, that true . Previously, there was a girl in our village, and she suddenly returned . We plan to make her a slave, and present her to Deagan-sama... . 」

「Could her name possible be Calsedonia?」

Suddenly opening the door to the room, a few people came into the room without warning .

At that action the follower had made a shocked face, and remembering the face of the young man just before 20 years old in the front, the shock on his face deepens .

「Yo, you’re... . That kiddie mercenary who was with Calse in the village...? Why are you here?」

Behind that young man was Granbia Laikam, the governor of this land, and several soldiers armed very well .

While the follower was completely dumbfounded about what in the world was going on, Laikam indicated to do so and the soldiers surrounded Garudo and his follower .


The soldiers drawing their swords and pointing it at the follower, he made a quite shameful scream .

「De, Deagan-sama... . . What exactly is this?」

The follower turning blue with many tips of swords pointed at him, he asks Deagan in a croaky voice .

「Deagan . Do you understand this?」

「Yes... . To be honest, you might not believe me... . No, I don’t want you to believe me... . 」

Deagan, who was heartbroken, had dropped his shoulders . With a small slap, a young man — Joruto, had put his hand on Deagan’s shoulder .

「For now, let’s throw this guy in jail . More importantly, shouldn’t we begin preparations to immediately head toward Lagine village?」

「As you wish . 」

Kneeling in place, they both deeply bowed, the parent and child of Deagan and Laikam .

At the two governors of this region’s sight, as Garudo’s follower got dragged away he could not believe what he saw .

It was the second night since Tatsumi and co . had gotten to Lagine Village .

They visited the house of Nephro, the village chief .

When they announced their visit, the village chief Nephro and his son gave a similar, no, exactly the same smile .

「Kukuku . It seems they’re finally ready, Father . 」

「Yeah . It seems they were quicker than expected . Surely it should have taken them a few more days of worrying, or at least I thought . 」

They both rejoice at the fact that the woman they’ve been after has finally landed in their hands .

At Calsedonia in Garudo’s case, and at her mother Namea in Nephro’s case .

Especially after Nephro had thought of Namea deep in his heart and had thought whatever he wanted of her, his delight was that above Garudo’s .

「Father, what should we do with Calse’s father and younger sister? Do you think they’ll come along with them?」

「Before worrying about the family of the household and one more daughter, we should amuse ourselves with Calsedonia and Namea swearing into slavery first . 」

「Okay . And while we’re at it, should we hug Calse and her mom before they’re here?」

Before their family is watching, ensure that Calsedonia and Namea’s bodies are serviced by their masters first .

Just imagining the scene, the parent and child Nephro and Garudo’s minds are set ablaze with dark flames .

Both of them, while smiling vulgarly in the exact same way, they faced toward the room where the pitiful family has been waiting .

Calsedonia and her family visited the village chief’s house .

They had passed into a room in the village chief’s house, and were waiting for the village chief and his son .

「For just me to come here, was that okay with you?」

「Wh, what are you saying! For just you to come to the village chief’s house, there’s no way possible!?」

Calsedonia turned to her nervous family beside her and says so .

Though Calsedonia had wondered what Tatsumi was thinking when he told her to go to the village mayor’s house, she immediately understood .

Therefore, she had intended on coming here alone .

However, her family had fiercely opposed this .

「In the first place, who is that guy!? Even though I had tried to think of him as my son-in-law as Calse had chosen him... But he let Calse go that easily... To tell his own wife to go to that village mayor’s house!? Just who does he think his wife is!?」

Bikkuri impatiently tramples the floor .

At the loud sound, Lilinalia trembles, surprised, and Namea makes a sad-seeming face .

At her family’s opposition, Calsedonia makes a blank face and stares at them .

「Ara, is Danna-sama’s attitude weird somehow?」

「Is, is it not weird at all!? To offer one’s own wife to the village chief and his son... 」

「That’s just you misunderstanding . Danna-sama didn’t send me there with that intention at all . 」


Now it was Bikkuri’s turn to make a blank face and stare .

At the thought of that dumbfoundedness, he looks at his daughter, and listens to her words .

Calsedonia had remained remarkably normal .

There was no painful and grave feelings of being offered up to the village chief’s son in her expression, just a soft smile .

Yeah, his daughter definitely had a screw loose somewhere .

At this kind of time, being calm would not be the actions of a normal girl .

Bikkuri, thinking such things while looking at his daughter’s face, he continues to open the door to the room where Nephro, the village chief, and his son, Garudo are .

At the same time, vulgarly smiling and transparently showing their ulterior motives on their face .

The color of Nephro’s and Garudo’s face shows a very visible change .

For a while now the parent and child village chiefs have been making a hateful face . However, what was showing on their faces now was just pure astonished surprise .

No, what was surprised was not just those two .

Bikkuri, Namea, and even Lilinalia, Calsedonia’s family, could not take their eyes off one spot, making the same expression as the village chief and his son .

Since on top of the table laid several colorful gems .

「This is all I have got right now from our trip so far... . If I give you this much, it should be enough to cover my family’s debt with more to spare right? Of course, the rest can be thought of as the interest on a loan, right?」

While smiling .

Taking several stones out from the bag, and laying them out on the table, Calsedonia made a completely indifferently evil face .

「O, Oi, Calse... . y, you... . This many gems... . Where did you steal them from... . ?」

Garudo says those things without thinking, while still making a shocked face .

At his words, Calsedonia’s eyebrow twitches slightly, but without disturbing her smile she replies calmly .

「Oh sorry . My husband and I worked hard to earn this . I’m not you, either way, so I would not have stolen it would I?」

Still smiling, Calsedonia replies with sarcasm . However, currently Garudo had continued to stare, unable to take his eyes away from the various stones lined up on the table, and it seemed he would not respond to her sarcasm .

「I’m not trying to boast at all, but a degree of 800 silver coins, to me and my husband, isn’t that much though?」

While still smiling as normal, she puffs up her chest and declares so . As she did so, her large chest swayed, but no one in the room paid any attention to it or even noticed .

「Then, Village Chief-san . My family’s debt, has been certainly repaid . If you happen to have debt proof, could come over and hand it to us immediately?」

「Ye... Yeah... . . 」

While smiling, Calsedonia throws an unfamiliar intensity at the village chief .

As if being pressed by the intensity, Nephro slowly stands up .

Probably, he was pressed fully by Calsedonia’s smile and left the room to get the proof of debt .

At that point when Nephro had stood up, a stool fell over and crashed while he sluggishly left the room .

And one more time, another stool crashed to the floor .

At that point everyone in the room turned their line of sight toward the source of the sound .

At the receiving end of those many gazes, the source of the sound — Garudo — had turned red in the face and stood up .

「......... . Don’t mess with me!!」

Garudo who had turned red — making an angry look and muttered as if he was growling .

「Don’t mess with me!! Why do you... Why does a madman such as you have such a large amount of money!? O, Oh yeah!! That middle-aged man that had came with you, that grandpa financially supported you!? Yeah, that’s what a loose whore would do!!」

While yelling and letting spit fly, Garudo extends his bulky arm to grab Calsedonia’s thin arm .

And, while relying on his strength he pulls her toward him .

「In that case, let me taste you too, right? That big chest is what I mean! That ass I can’t get enough of! I’m going to make you go crazy for the whole night and you’ll never be able to leave me! You belong to me! Nobody else but I have decided that!!」

Even though Garudo had pulled Calsedonia close enough to him to get caught in the breath he vomited from his mouth with his large arms, she did not show any signs of being frightened .

On the contrary, Garudo, hugging her and looking up at her from a close range, was looked down on with cold eyes .

That then made Garudo even more angry .

Calsedonia maintained her cold expression . Even so, the pretty lips of Calsedonia continue to speak words that Garudo does not like .

「In the first place, could you stop saying such selfish things? My everything... my mommy milkies, my ass...」

Calsedonia’s fingertips charmingly caress her breasts and rear .

「– From my fingertips to each and every strand of my hair, everything of me is my husband’s... . No my master’s . I was never yours . 」

「Master!? Aah, that’s right, your master is ME!! From today on you are MY slave!!」

At the same time Garudo had yelled even more selfish things .

Suddenly, a high-pitched wavering sound rang clearly through the room .

At the same time, from outside the room, all at once the dark outside air flowed in . That cold air cooled the room that was full of a certain heat .

The people who were in the room, all at once turned their gaze toward the source of this cold airflow, and once again made a dumbfounded expression .

No, just one person, Calsedonia, smiled as if her previous cold expression was a lie .

The village chief’s house was the only house in Lagine Village that was built out of stone .

The stone wall, being cut into a beautiful square — just big enough for one person to go through — and past that was one man who was wearing just black against a starry night background .

The black armor mixed into the night sky, making it hard to distinguish his figure . But the light leaking out from the room slightly makes his figure visible .

Shown in the light escaping from the room, the man in fully black clothes raises his right arm up lightly . As he does so, a thin vermillion-gold chain that was attached to his right hand makes a pleasant-feeling sound, especially as it runs through the air, and twines around Calsedonia’s wrist softly .

In the next moment, Calsedonia’s body disappears from Garudo’s arm, and appears in the man clothed in full black’s arm .

The Calsedonia in the black-clothed man’s arms has the exact opposite reaction as to being held by Garudo, and smiles delightfully, while looking really happy and almost as if rubbing herself against him, closely sticks herself to the man clothed in black, and wraps both of her arms around his neck .

It was almost like the gesture of a prostitute trying to flirt with their male client .

However, from those two not one bit of vulgar lewdness such as that of a prostitute and her client could be felt from the two .

It was the exact opposite, scattering a warm and happy feeling through the room, with nobody in the room able to take their eyes off of the two and their aura .

「I could hear you even from outside the house, could you stop thinking so selfishly like that already? Also, I’m going to have to prevent you from laying hands on my wife . 」

「Y, You’re... . That black-clothed mercenary . . !!」

「Yes, he is . And, he is the person I... Love the most in the entire world... My master . 」

Calsedonia declares so while rubbing her lips softly along the black-clothed man proudly and happily .

「Don’t say such selfish things!! You are my property!! I have decided that!!」

Garudo, while grasping his fists tightly and brandishing them, he runs up toward the happily hugging couple .

Pushing against the air, Garudo’s fist flew toward the groaning Tatsumi .

However, that fist never connected as it flew toward Tatsumi .

Right before the fist hit Tatsumi, Calsedonia’s and Tatsumi’s bodies disappeared suddenly .

Having lost its target right before the fist connected, Garudo continued into a somersault and hit the ground .

Unable to understand what happened to him, yet still picking his body up in a panic, he looks around restlessly .

Finally Garudo found Tatsumi’s presence . Yet, his eyes slowly opened widely .

As to why, it was because Tatsumi was floating in midair .

Tatsumi, carrying the happy-looking Calsedonia, who was looking at him in a position called the「Princess Carry」, while standing with no support on top of the theatre of the night sky .

Garudo looked up at the floating two, and looked as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing .

No, that was true for not just Garudo .

Looking at the two who had flown into the sky and became confused were also the village chief Nephro, and Calsedonia’s family .

Everyone was looking up at Tatsumi and Calsedonia standing in the night sky in silent amazement once more . (TL: It’s ‘once more’ because they were already amazed once, and this is the second time rather than doing a double take)

「Ma, Magician... 」

The village chief Nephro whispered without thinking, him or someone in Calsedonia’s family .

At the scenery and vision of the beautiful woman being held while floating in the sky, they could do nothing but fixedly stare at the two .

「Ge, Get down here!! You coward!!」

Garudo, who had returned to himself, brandished his fists while yelling at Tatsumi who was in the air .

However, the Tatsumi in question just stared downward at Garudo in a bewildered face .

「...... Now, who’s the real coward here?」

He suddenly heard a voice from behind him .

Garudo, turning around toward the voice, stood the figure of close to 30 soldiers, fully armed .

(TL: The reason Tatsumi had said ‘who’s the coward’ was because Garudo had turned his back to the soldiers)

Standing in front of the soldiers was once again a young man who seemed just younger than 20 .

The young boy was shaking his head, his shoulders shrugging in disgust .

But, Garudo did not turn to face the young man, rather facing the man who he knew very well .

「De, Deagan-sama!!」

Garudo, who had found the governor’s son’s figure, the man who could be mistaken as backing the young man in the front . Garudo painted his face that was up until now the one color of anger to that of rejoice, submitting to Deagan .

「Deagan-sama, it’s, it’s that guy!! That guy I was talking about, the black-clothed mercenary!! And the girl is the one we were had planned to snatch away and present as a slave to you!!」

Kneeling at the feet of the Parlow, Deagan rattled on all of that in one breath while pointing his finger at Tatsumi who had landed .

「Please, with the power of Deagan-sama and his following subordinates, capture the black-clothed mercenary!! And please return the slavewoman to my hands!! That is my woman who will become a slave, and will eventually be presented to Deagan-sama... . 」


Deagan, in a an increasingly strict — yet also in a way sad — face, interrupted Garudo’s words, shouting .

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